error Strikes Jerusalem. Who Is To Blame?

Monday – November 22, 2021
Terror Strikes Jerusalem.
Who Is To Blame?
On Sunday morning, one person was murdered and another 3 were wounded, one of them in moderate to serious condition and two lightly in a shooting attack near the Chain Gate close to the Kotel. The terrorist was neutralized by security forces.
Eliyahu David Kay, an employee at the Western Wall Heritage Foundation and a recent oleh from South Africa, was killed. AFSI mourns the senseless loss of this young man and prays for the recovery of all those injured in this terror attack.
Incitement and terror against Israelis is on the rise again. We believe we can attribute this directly to 1) Biden & Co.’s political pressure to open a PA consulate in Jerusalem, 2) talk of reviving efforts to establish a PA state, and 3. the Israeli government’s steps to strengthen the PA economically. With Biden’s damaging support of terrorism, it’s clear that Arabs see a new path to attain their goal of destroying and taking over all of Israel.
Last week Caroline Glick, in one of her always astute articles, quoted Prime Minister Naftali Bennett who said, “There are no negotiations taking place towards the establishment of a terror state in the heart of Israel.” This actually might be true. From what we see there are no negotiations. However, there are direct giveaways to the PA with no concern for the negative and harmful consequences it will have on the Israeli people.
Is “Jewish Terrorism” Bennett’s New Target?
aka, It All Started After Israel Retaliated
Defense Minister Benny Gantz last Thursday instructed Israel’s security forces to work together and focus their efforts on the new and old centers of friction between Arabs and Jews in Judea and Samaria. Gantz called for establishing new, dedicated teams to deal with “Jewish terrorism.”
Referring to Arab complaints against Jewish “settlers,” Gantz stressed “what begins with a tree can end in bodily injury and, God forbid, death. Hate crimes are the root of terrorism and we must eradicate it.” He was surely referring to Jewish hate crimes.
Does Benny Gantz have his facts correct? The reason for the meeting with Gantz was those well-edited video clips that have been disseminated on social media and covered by multiple news reporters on television. The clips are always biased against the Jews and often against IDF soldiers who show up on the scene and rightfully protect the Jews against assaults by Arabs. The clips pick up the action after the Arab provocation, in the best tradition of “it all started after Israeli retaliated.”
AFSI is deeply troubled to report again on developments that appease, favor and bolster PA terrorists, while Bennett ignores – and now blatantly demonizes the Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria. If Israel is to remain a Sovereign nation and defend and protect its people, then the actions Bennett has taken since he took office will ultimately harm the entire State of Israel.

All listings reflect AFSI’s mission to educate the public on the truth about Israel and to advocate for a Whole and Sovereign Israel.
Thursday – November 25, 2021 | 2:00pm EST
1948. An Exhibition on the Founding of Israel
The German organization DEIN developed a traveling exhibition which has toured Germany for two years and is now being shown virtually by Dr. Oren Osterer, Exhibition Manager. The history of Israel, and answers to many questions as to why it was reborn will be covered.
Tuesday – November 30, 2021 | 11:00am EST
The Role of the Abrahamic Accords in Combating Anti-Semitism
With Dr. Rabbi. Elie Abadie, Senior Rabbi, Jewish Council of the Emirates; Imam Hassen Chalghoumi, Drancy’s Mosque, France. Convener: Dr. Ramy Aziz, Research Fellow, ISGAP. In Arabic featuring simultaneous English translation.
The World of the Palestinian Child: PA Child Abuse – Of Their Own Children
With Itamar Marcus, Founder and Director of Palestinian Media Watch. Many Palestinian Arab terrorists in recent years are teenagers including some as young as 13-years-old. This presentation will explore how the Palestinian Authority (PA) successfully indoctrinates even young children to see Israelis/Jews as a powerful and dangerous force in the world turning even good people and children into terrorists and terror supporters.
Recorded November 8, 2021 | Video HERE
Sustaining A Strong Israel in Unsettled Times
This meeting was moderated by Judy Kadish and sponsored by Carol L. Flatto, AFSI South Florida Chapter Chair! With Arlene Kushner, author, blogger, freelance writer and investigative journalist. Her blog is dedicated to providing critical information about Israel.
Recorded October 5, 2021 | Video HERE
American and Israeli Political Scene: What’s the Outlook?
With Aharon Pulver, Executive Director of the Israel Independence Fund (IIF). Aharon has lived in Israel for 40 years, a time span that has provided him with the proximity, contacts, connections and understanding necessary to spearhead the IIF’s mission.
Recorded August 18, 2021 | Video HERE
Defending and Securing Israel for Generations to Come
With Brigadier General (res.) Amir Avivi, CEO and Founder of Habithonistim. In February 2020 Amir founded Habithonistim, a group that has quickly grown to over 2000 high ranking reserve officers and current IDF personnel.
Recorded August 11, 2021 | Video HERE
Annual Zeev Jabotinsky Memorial and Tribute with Nerya Meir
Nerya Meir is Head of Diaspora Department at World Zionist Organization. Prior to this he was the CEO of the World Betar movement.
Recorded July 21, 2021 | Video HERE
US Conditions UNWRA and PA Funding. About Time! With David Bedein
The US administration has asked Congress to resume funding UNRWA and the Palestinian Authority without any real conditions. Hear updates from David Bedein, who has been at the forefront of exposing the UNRWA problem.
Recorded June 10, 2021 | Video HERE
Why An American Orthodox Rabbi Made His Home in the Arab World
Rabbi Dr. Elie Abadie joined the Jewish Council of the Emirates with a vision to create critical Jewish infrastructure for the local community. Hear his first-hand experience and personal perspective on Jewish life in the UAE.
Recorded May 25, 2021 | Video HERE
The Big Lie of Khirbet Humsa: The Newest Version of Palestinian Authority/European Union TOXIC CONCOCTIONS
Naomi Kahn, Director of the International Division of the Israeli NGO, REGAVIM, gives us the real story of this Big Lie.
Recorded February 21, 2021 | Video HERE
Jews Are Indigenous to Israel
Activist Ryan Bellerose sees Israel as “a light unto nations” and a formula for success and offers a blueprint for securing land and rights for other indigenous tribes around the world.
Recorded February 10, 2021 | Video HERE
Habithonistim – Helps Keep Jews Safe Everywhere
Brigadier General (Ret.) Amir Avivi is the Founder and CEO of Habithonistim, comprised of more than 1,700 high ranking reserve and retired Officers, Commanders, and Operators of all Branches of the Israeli Security Establishment, focused on promoting the national security of the State of Israel. Presented by Canadian Anti-Semitism Education Foundation (CAEF). Co-Sponsored by Habithonistim – Israel’s Defense & Security Forum, Americans For A Safe Israel, and Canadians For Israel’s Legal Rights.
Recorded January 28, 2021 | Video HERE
Israeli Politics: The Emerging Landscape
In dialogue with Dr. Mordechai Kedar
Recorded December 30, 2020 | Video HERE
United Jerusalem Forever
With Daniel Luria, Executive Director of Ateret Cohanim’s headquarters in Israel. AFSI Chizuk Missions regularly tour the Old City with Dan, marveling at the progress that Ateret Cohanim continually exhibits.
Recorded December 9, 2020 | Video HERE
Sovereignty – What Are We Waiting For?
A timely discussion about Sovereignty with Co-Chairs of the Women in Green, Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar.
Recorded November 17, 2020 | Video HERE
Winning the Debate Over the Palestinian Arab/Israeli Conflict
Mendy Neeman is an authorized speaker on geopolitics for Birthright and a staff member at the C.P.D.H. (Center for Public Diplomacy and Hasbara). His presentations deal with the Palestinian Arab/Israeli conflict and demonstrate a unique way to easily address the most complicated issues.
Recorded November 4, 2020 | Video HERE
Israel’s Sovereignty Entitlements Under International Law in Respect to Jerusalem and the Disputed Territories
With Dr. Jacques Gauthier an international jurist, scholar and human rights advocate. Dr. Gauthier highlights the nexus between the historical facts and events which support the legitimacy of Israel’s sovereignty claims to all of Jerusalem and the disputed territories.
Recorded September 30, 2020 | Video HERE
How Judicial Activism in Israel Endangers Sovereignty in Judea and Samaria
With Simcha Rothman and Preface by Daniel Seaman. Meshilut, The Movement for Governability and Democracy, was founded with the purpose of strengthening the rule of Israel’s elected officials by restoring the balance between the judicial and legislative branches of government.
Recorded September 9, 2020 | Video HERE
The Politics of Sovereignty
With Likud member and Minister of Knesset Ariel Kallner. MK Kallner’s top priority is the issue of Sovereignty throughout the entire land of Israel.
Recorded August 11, 2020 | Video HERE
Zeev Jabotinsky Memorial and Tribute. Jabotinsky’s Legacy More Relevant Now Than Ever
Yifa Segal, Director of The International Legal Forum, moderated this tribute to the great Zionist leader Zeev Jabotinsky. With guests Yosef Ahimeir, Chairman of the Jabotinsky Institute in Israel and Ofir Dayan, Student Activist for Israel.
Recorded August 3, 2020 | Video HERE
Can Israel Win the Propaganda War?
Theory and Practice: A Conversation with Dr. Ron Schleifer and Ezri Tubi
Dr. Ron Schleifer is Professor and Senior Lecturer at the School of Communications at Ariel University. Ezri Tubi is the Founder of the YouTube Channel “Boomerang: Fighting for Israel.” AFSI is fortunate to have had Dr. Schleifer share his wisdom with us on some of our Chizuk Mission trips to Israel. Similarly, our trip participants have also spent time in Ariel with Ezri, the one-man Hasbara machine.
Recorded July 20, 2020 | Video HERE
Sovereignty: Legalities and Realities
With Yifa Segal, Esq, Director of The International Legal Forum, and Marc Provisor, Counter-Terrorism Expert and Director of Security at One Israel Fund, share their expertise on these two aspects of the Sovereignty debate. Download a copy of The International Legal Forum’s “Controversial Lands: 8 Burning Questions about Israel and the Territories.” and visit their website for more information.
Recorded July 13, 2020 | Video HERE
Jerusalem Must Remain the United Capital of the Jewish People
Arieh King, the Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem and Founder of the Israel Land Fund, in a lively conversation. At the vanguard of the movement for Sovereignty in Judea and Samaria and a United Jewish Jerusalem, Arieh has a unique and exciting perspective on the latest from Israel.
Recorded June 30, 2020 | Video HERE
Activism Updates From Israel
With Yaakov Hayman, Director of the Temple Mount Foundation and Aharon Pulver, Executive Director of the Israel Independence Fund, to bring you insider news from Israel.
Recorded June 21, 2020 | Video HERE
The PA’s Exploitation of the Coronavirus Crisis
Naomi Kahn, Director of the International Division of Regavim, sits down with Judy Freedman Kadish, Executive Director of Americans For A Safe Israel for the latest news on Regavim’s work in protecting Israel’s national lands and the return of the rule of law to all areas and aspects of the land and its preservation.
Recorded June 3, 2020 | Video HERE
“Save The West” is the blog of Ken Abramowitz, AFSI Advisory Council member. Ken tackles the most pressing issues facing Israel and the US with sharp analysis and original insight, while offering common-sense solutions.
Boomerang’s YouTube channel spearheads Israel’s ‘public diplomacy’ warfare on social media by producing immediate responses to acute events through short and viral video clips. Watch weekly updates on attacks in Judea and Samaria.
Follow the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center to receive comprehensive reports on terrorism in Israel and the Middle East conflict,
We are an educational organization created to support an undivided Israel.
AFSI was founded in 1970 as an American counterpart to the Land of Israel Movement, asserting Israel’s historic, religious, and legal rights to the land re-claimed in the 1967 war. AFSI has argued consistently that a strong, territorially defensible Israel is essential to U.S. and global security interests in the region, and that the “two-state solution,” would endanger the world, while bringing the dissolution of Israel.
We are a national organization with chapters throughout the country and members throughout the world. All are dedicated to the premise that a strong Israel is essential to Western interest