OPERATION: LAST CHANCE is a campaign to bring remaining Nazi war criminals to justice by offering financial rewards for information leading to their arrest and conviction. To date the initiative has been launched in Germany, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Romania, Austria, Croatia, and Hungary.
Operation: Last Chance is a joint project of the Simon Wiesenthal Center and Targum Shlishi Foundation. |
25. 08. 2020 – The Simon Wiesenthal Centre in Jerusalem has called for the name of former Geraldine resident Willi Huber to be removed from Mt Hutt Ski Area more…
12. 08. 2020 – SS guard Bruno Dey was judged, found guilty, sentenced, and… released, so what’s the point of the trial? more…
31. 07. 2020 – Once I began looking into the role of my grandfather, Jonas Noreika, I soon saw that the Germans couldn’t have committed these crimes alone more…
24. 07. 2020 – 75 Jahre nach dem Ende der Nazi-Herrschaft hat das Landgericht Hamburg einen 93-Jährigen wegen Beihilfe zum Mord in Tausenden Fällen verurteilt more…
23. 07. 2020 – Der “Nazi-Jäger” Efraim Zuroff hat die Verurteilung eines ehemaligen SS-Wachmanns im Konzentrationslager Stutthof am Donnerstag grundsätzlich begrüßt. Die zweijährige Jugendstrafe auf Bewährung bezeichnete er jedoch als “sehr, sehr enttäuschend” more…
23. 07. 2020 – BERLIN (JTA) – In likely one of the last such trials, a 93-year-old former concentration camp guard was given a two-year suspended sentence on Thursday – a decision that the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s chief Nazi hunter is calling a travesty more…
23. 07. 2020 – Bruno D. had been charged with accessory to 5,230 murders in the Stutthof camp. Some of the victims were executed, others died of illness. Some 40 survivors and relatives of those who died acted as co-plaintiffs more…
23. 07. 2020 – BERLINO. L’orrore non si dimentica, nemmeno se a pagare deve essere, anche solo simbolicamente, un uomo di 93 anni. L’ex guardia del campo di concentramento nazista di Stutthof, Bruno Dey, che all’epoca era 17enne, è stato riconosciuto colpevole di complicità in 5230 omicidi e condannato a due anni di carcere more…
23. 07. 2020 – BERLIN (AP) ” As a 17-year-old SS private, Bruno Dey could hear the screams of Jews dying in the gas chamber of Nazi Germany’s Stutthof concentration camp from his post in a guard tower, and watched daily as their bodies were carted to the crematorium to be turned into ash more…
23. 07. 2020 – Den tidlegare SS-soldat Bruno Dey er dømd til to års vilkårsbunde fengsel. Han var tiltalt for medverknad til drap på 5.230 personar more…
23. 07. 2020 – In what could be one of the last such cases involving surviving Nazi guards, Dey was convicted for his role in the killings when he was an SS tower guard at the Stutthof camp near what was then Danzig, now Gdansk, in Poland more…
23. 07. 2020 – Bruno Dey var soldat i SS under andre verdenskrig. Han er dømt til to års betinget fengsel. Han ble dømt for å ha bidratt til drap på 5.230 personer more…
23. 07. 2020 – BERLIN, Germany — A German court on Thursday convicted a 93-year-old former SS private of being an accessory to murder at the Stutthof concentration camp, where he served as a guard in the final months of World War II. He was given a two-year suspended sentence more…
23. 07. 2020 – Fue encontrado culpable de 5 mil 230 cargos de asesinato en el campo de concentración de Stutthof more…
23. 07. 2020 – A 93-year-old former Nazi concentration camp guard was convicted Thursday in Germany of being an accessory in the murder of more than 5,200 prisoners — but got off with a two-year suspended prison sentence more…
23. 07. 2020 – A German court on Thursday convicted a 93-year-old former SS private of being an accessory to murder at the Stutthof concentration camp, where he served as a guard in the final months of World War II. He was given a two-year suspended sentence more…
23. 07. 2020 – Hamburg court gives Bruno Dey, 93, a two-year suspended sentence after being convicted on 5,232 counts of accessory to murder, equal to the number of people killed at Stutthof camp; he admitted to hearing screams of Jews dying in gas chambers more…
23. 07. 2020 – In einem der voraussichtlich letzten Prozesse wegen der Massenverbrechen in den NS-Vernichtungslagern ist ein 93-jähriger Ex-SS-Wachmann zu einer Bewährungsstrafe verurteilt worden more…
23. 07. 2020 – Bruno Dey given 2-year suspended sentence for his actions at Stutthof camp over 75 years ago; Israeli ambassador says punishment insufficient more…
23. 07. 2020 – A 93-year-old former SS Nazi concentration camp guard has been found guilty of accessory to murder and handed a suspended sentence of two years. This may be the last verdict on a Holocaust perpetrator in a German court more…
23. 07. 2020 – Bruno Dey, 93, found guilty of accessory to murders in final months of second world war more…
21. 07. 2020 – 93-year-old Bruno Dey is accused of complicity in the murder of 5,230 people when he worked as an SS tower guard at the Stutthof camp more…
20. 07. 2020 – Bruno D. habe damals seinen Dienst als SS-Wachmann im KZ Stutthof nicht als Teilnahme an einem Verbrechen erkannt more…
20. 07. 2020 – “Today I would like to apologize to those who have gone through this hell of madness, and with their loved ones. “For his last speech at his trial at Hamburg in Germany, Bruno Dey, 93-year-old, apologized on Monday to victims of the Holocaust more…
14. 07. 2020 – BERLIN, Germany — A 95-year-old former Nazi concentration camp guard has been charged with war crimes during the Holocaust in what could be one of the last cases of its kind, a German court said Monday more…
07. 07. 2020 – В Гамбурге судят 93-летнего Бруно Дея, бывшего охранника нацистского концлагеря Штуттгоф, действовавшего с 1939 по 1945 год в 37 километрах от польского Гданьска more…