SGAP-Woolf Institute Lecture Series: Creating a Conceptual Framework for the Critical Study of Contemporary Antisemitism In

As part of ISGAP’s landmark Fellowship Training Programme on Critical Antisemitism Studies, Discrimination and Human Rights at the Woolf Institute, ISGAP is pleased to announce the ISGAP-Woolf Institute Series titled “Creating a Conceptual Framework for the Critical Study of Contemporary Antisemitism.”Unlike the scholarship on issues and processes pertaining to race, racism and gendered identities, much of the scholarship on antisemitism is descriptive in nature, especially concerning its contemporary manifestations. This seminar series addresses the urgent need to create a conceptual interdisciplinary framework to analyse antisemitism(s) in the context of socio-economic, political, cultural, and ideological processes, especially in light of the impact of neoliberal globalisation. There is a need to combine empirical and conceptual analysis of antisemitism(s) within an interdisciplinary framework, in order to develop new tools of analysis.

The contemporary condition is characterised by the crisis of modernity and the processes of globalisation.  The impact of neoliberalism in the weakening of the state, the fragmenting of society,  and the emergence of reactionary social movements on the extreme left, the extreme right, and radical political Islamism, the reluctance of Western intellectuals, in a post-modern moment, to critically engage these processes as it relates to antisemitism(s) and its impact on democratic principles and values.  Not since the Shoah, has the re-emergence, antisemitic discourse and violence, requires the development of a creative, interdisciplinary, critical approach to map, decode and develop strategies to confront this oldest of hatreds.

To virtually attend the lectures register below:

17 Jan.“New-Liberalism, Antisemitism and Education”

Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP; Director, ISGAP-Woolf Institute Fellowship Training Programme on Critical Antisemitism Studies, Cambridge, U.K.

To watch the recorded lecture click here

24 Jan.“Progressive Academy and the New/Old Antisemitism”

Professor William Kolbrener, Director of Academic Development, ISGAP; Professor, English Literature, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel

To watch the recorded lecture click here

31 Jan.“The Rehearsal: Jewishness, Psychoanalysis and Repetition”

Dr. Chloe Pinto, ISGAP Visiting Scholar in Critical Antisemitism Studies, Discrimination and Human Rights, Cambridge, U.K.

To watch the recorded lecture click here

7 Feb., “The Final Stage of Hatred is Denial: Blaming Jews for Antisemitism”

Dr. Daniel Feldman, Lecturer, Department of English Literature and Linguistics, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel

Date: Tuesday, 7 February 2023, at 10 AM EST | 3 PM GMT | 5 PM IST

To watch the recorded lecture click here

14 Feb.Authoritarianism and Antisemitism”

Dr. Joel Finkelstein, Director, Network Contagion Research Institute; Visiting Scholar, Madison Program for Ideas and Institutions, Princeton University, Princeton, U.S.; and Dr. Lee Jussim, Chair, Psychology Department, Rutgers State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, U.S.

Date: 14 February 2023, at 10 AM EST | 3 PM GMT | 5 PM IST

To register for this lecture on Zoom click here

21 Feb.“Faculty Rights and Responsibilities in Conflict With Antisemitism”

Professor Cary Nelson, Jubilee Professor of Liberal Arts & Sciences Emeritus, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, U.S.

Date: 21 February 2023, at 10 AM EST | 3 PM GMT | 5 PM IST

To register for this lecture on Zoom click here

7 Mar.“The Topology of Antisemitism: from Definition to Identification”

Dr. Naya Lekht, Scholar and Educator, Los Angeles, U.S.

Date: 7 March 2023, at 10 AM EST | 3 PM GMT | 5 PM IST

To register for this lecture on Zoom click here

14 Mar.“Antizionism as Political Propaganda: Lessons from Soviet Anti-Israel Campaigns”

Izabella Tabarovsky, Senior Program Associate, Kennan Institute of the Wilson Center, Washington, U.S.

Date: Tuesday, 14 March 2023, at 10 AM EST | 3 PM GMT | 5 PM IST

To register for this lecture on Zoom click here

21 Mar.A Human Rights Approach to Combating Antisemitism”

Professor Ahmed Shaheed, OSCE Expert on Freedom of Religion or Belief; Professor, International Human Rights Law, Essex Law School, Essex, U.K.

Date: Tuesday, 21 March 2023, at 10 AM EST | 3 PM GMT | 5 PM IST

To register for this lecture on Zoom click here

28 Mar.“Findings and Recommendations: Reflections from Canada’s Special Envoy on Preserving Holocaust Remembrance and Combatting Antisemitism”

Hon. Professor Irwin Cotler, Special Envoy on Preserving Holocaust Remembrance and Combatting Antisemitism, Ottawa, Canada

Date: Tuesday, 28 March 2023, at 10 AM EST | 3 PM GMT | 5 PM IST

To register for this lecture on Zoom click here

4 Apr.“Antisemitism from without and Racism from within. Can we reconcile these instincts?”

Professor Yossi Shain, Romulo Betancourt Professor of Political Science, Tel Aviv University;
Member of Knesset, Jerusalem, Israel

Date: Tuesday, 4 April 2023, at 10 AM EST | 3 PM GMT | 5 PM IST

To register for this lecture on Zoom click here