Talking Memory Post Event 19.2 + Upcoming Program 12.3

Dear Friends,

Thank you for joining us on Sunday, February 19th, for the second program in the four part series:

Violated!:  Sexual Abuse During and After the Holocaust

Our guest speaker was Dr. Beverley Chalmers who gave a presentation on:

Birth, Sex and Abuse: Women’s Voices under Nazi Rule  

We invite all participants, and those of you who did not catch this talk, to watch the recording of this program on the Ghetto Fighters’ House YouTube channel

You can watch all the Talking Memory programs on our YouTube play list

This program is in partnership with the Remember the Women Institute, Women in the Holocaust – International Study Center (MORESHET), Wagner College Holocaust Center, Classrooms Without Borders, Rabin Chair Forum Washington University, and the Johannesburg Holocaust & Genocide Center.

SAVE THE DATE: March 12th

Join us for the third program in the series:

Betrayed: Child Sex Abuse and the Holocaust

Although rarely mentioned, sexual assault of children during the Holocaust occurred far more often than we would like to acknowledge. Children were sexually abused in ghettos, camps, on transit trains, while in hiding, and even when sent to safety outside Europe. They were betrayed by the Nazis, their rescuers, their peers, by those who discounted their experiences after the war, and by Holocaust scholars who do not acknowledge these events and prefer to keep this a closely guarded secret. The challenges involved in studying child sex abuse during the Holocaust will be addressed. Issues relating to maintaining confidentiality, and the value of testimony if it is not made available for study, will be considered. Seeking methods that allow researchers to access and report on such sensitive testimonies remains an essential task if we are to acknowledge the full extent of women’s and children’s lives and honour their experiences.

This program is in partnership with the Remember the Women Institute, Women in the Holocaust – International Study Center (MORESHET), Wagner College Holocaust Center, Classrooms Without Borders, Rabin Chair Forum Washington University, and the Johannesburg Holocaust & Genocide Center.