Dear friends,
Anti-Semitism has been on the rise all around the world this past year. In the United States, American Jews have endured extreme anti-Israel and anti-Jewish rhetoric; heinous anti-Semitic protests on college campuses; organized harassment campaigns against Jewish public figures; and violent attacks against everyday Jews on city streets.
As bad as things have gotten, the Crown Heights riot of 1991 offers a picture of how much worse things can get. Jewish homes, businesses, and places of worship were attacked for nearly three days, all while law enforcement stood down.
This evening, Monday, December 23, at 7 pm ET, the Mosaic subscriber community is coming together to take a closer look at the Crown Heights riot. We’re going to explore what happened, why it happened, and what lessons it has for American Jews today.
The evening will include an exclusive screening of a new short documentary on the riot, “Get the Jew”: The Crown Heights Riot Revisited, as well as an introduction from the film’s producer and director, Michael Pack, and a conversation afterward between Elliot Kaufman—the Wall Street Journal letters editor who appears in the film—and Mosaic‘s editor Jonathan Silver.
The event is available to all Mosaic subscribers. You can join right now for just $40 $30 and secure your spot. Your subscription will give you an entire year of access to Mosaic, which includes original essays on Jewish issues, our critical daily newsletter, and other events like this one.
Sign up here, and we hope to see you this evening.
All the best,
John Minster